Embedding Our Learning

Embedding learning into our Blogs

By Aleki

There are lots of different types of digital learning objects we embed into our blogs on a daily basis.

My favorite thing to share on my blog is slide shows

The easiest learning to share is my writing in Google Docs, simply just Copy and Paste it from the Google Doc onto your blog. However, don’t forget to use CTRL + SHIFT + V so that it gets rid of the formatting. You can always change the formatting on your blog.

Take a look at the other ways below

Pacifica Group

Today on Friday the pacifica a group and I performed the Samoan national anthem and the girls did a one minute dance.Next the boys did a mili patia.It was so fun i went up and started to dancing on the side.


This week on Thursday the year 5/6 to year 7/8 went on a hikoi around the area.We went to learn about the History of  Aotearoa the person that taught us was a funny man called Matua.He taught us about the mountain called maungarei which means mount wellington.The 4 areas we went is Point England reserve which is tefanake,Pamure ridge and Maungarei and other places.


On Wednesday this week i was selected to go to a football tournament in kohimarama and challenge each schools.It was the bomb A.K.A the best.What i liked was playing against schools who are on a whole different level.What didn’t like was losing 4 times i think and not wining.Next,is most of the the team were cheering for other teams like this boy leo from sylvia park what a legend he s a goat no cap.Yup that’s all i remember.The worst team was stone field A and B they demolished us like nothing 4 nil in about 4 minutes.Yup  bye now


Soldier full name and rank

Soldier full name and rank

Birthplace:Parnell, Auckland 1010
Occupation before deployment:Napier Boys High School/Teacher
Date deceased:1914 May

Supporting Information
VJB Halls as you all don’t know a he use to be a teacher at New Plymouth Boys High School.Next, before he became a soldier they hoped that his bad eyesight would mean that he wouldn’t be accepted into the army.

My School Value Superhero

I have a secret superpower it is a responsibility.This is being dependable keeping my promises and honouring my commitments.

I am dependable when i keep my promises.I am dependable when I go grocery shopping for my mum bringing back her credit card.

The commitment I have honour include going to school,help my parents and listen.I do this by listening to what my parents ask me to do.

Wheelchair rugby

What is Wheelchair Rugby?
By Aleki Vea

What is Wheelchair Rugby?
Wheelchair rugby is a paralympic sport if you don’t know what paralympic is. It is a event for disabled people and paralysed.Next is wheelchair rugby is like rugby but it’s indoor court and it is mixed with all other sports combined like:Volley because of the volleyball,Basketball because of the indoor court last but not least rugby because of the tryline at the end of the court each side.The 3 sport elements mixed into wheelchair.

What is Quadriplegia?
A person with quadriplegia is someone who is paralysed to some extent n at least 3 of their 4 limbs.Next is quadriplegia, if you get into a car crash or other serious event that will injure your spinal cord up to your neck it will cause quadriplegia which means you can’t move at all.

Rugby wheelchair
Playing Safe
At first,people played wheelchair rugby in standard wheelchair.Next is a normal wheelchair is different to the wheelchair in wheelchair rugby because the wheelchair in wheelchair rugby is much safer because players use custom-made sports that are designed for wheelchair rugby to play safe.Next is the wheelchair has front bumper, designed to help attack and to hold, opposing wheelchairs which means better and safer, and wings,that are positioned in front of the main wheel to make the wheelchair more difficult to stop and hold.

A Number Game
People with quadriplegia have different amounts of moves in their arms and hands .The wheelchair rugby players are tested to see how much arm movement.All player are given a number from 0.5 to 3.5 depending on how much they can move.For example if the player has given 1.0 that mean they have a small amount to move.

The Wheelblacks

The wheel blacks is a wheelchair rugby team that is from nz and that reps our country.Some of the player use to play rugby but then when their spinal cord up to there neck is damage it can cause quadriplegia and they can play for paralympics.